Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ironman Boulder 70.3 - August 8, 2010

Ironman Boulder 70.3 Race Report

August 8, 2010


I flew out to Colorado the weekend before the race to make a vacation of it, plus my husband and I have friends and family in the area so we had a free place to stay for the week. It usually takes me about 3 days to acclimate to the altitude there, so it worked out well to go out ahead of time.


I had the opportunity to get in some really beautiful bike rides and runs during my taper week and tagged along on an open water swim with the Boulder Triathlon Club in the reservoir where the race was being held. Everyone out there was so friendly and laid back!

I was more and more nervous as the race approached, worrying that I’d embarrass myself out there on the course, but I knew I put in the work in training and that I could finish the race. I had my very own “Support Crew” – my husband Bryant and my mom, dad and sister Jackie flew out to Colorado for the weekend to watch me race in my first 70.3. I also had countless friends from JSTC pulling for me, my family members, like my sister Jaime, who couldn’t be there but if I listened real hard, I could hear her cheering from 1800 miles away!



On race morning, I woke up at 4:15am to get dressed and have a small breakfast – a packet of oatmeal and ½ a banana. I was so nervous, I couldn’t eat as much as I wanted to. We picked up my parents and my sister at their hotel at 5am and drove over to the reservoir. Transition opened at 5am and we got there by 5:15. Everything went smoothly checking into transition – plenty of volunteers to make the process go smoothly. After getting everything ready in transition I headed over to the beach – tried to eat a power bar but was still too nervous to take much. The Pro wave went off around 6:40am and I was scheduled to go off 40 minutes later in Wave #9. It was amazing to see the first Pro Male, Andy Potts finishing the swim in 23 minutes and change. I got in a practice swim while I was waiting around – the water was 74 degrees which made me happy because I definitely benefit from being able to swim in a wetsuit. The water felt comfortably warm because it was warmer than the air temperature at the start of the race.

The race start was an in-water start and when the gun went off on my wave I was ready to go. I felt good overall during the swim which isn’t my strong point – got swam over and bumped into a couple times during the last 800m where male swimmers from the wave behind me started passing me. No major issues during the swim – exited the water in 43 minutes and change. My goal was 40 minutes so I was happy with 43.


Transition went smoothly and got on the bike feeling pretty good. The first 6-7 miles on each loop of the 2 loop bike course were gradually inclines. It looked flat but I could tell I was working hard to get through it. The bike route was very scenic with the front range of the Rocky Mountains on your left and open space/farmland on your right. I felt good during the bike, taking a salt tab every 15 minutes, sipping on a concentrated CytoMax mix and taking one GU halfway through the bike and another with 6 miles to go. Used the bottle exchange twice to get a bottle of water. The sky was overcast for the first loop of the bike and eventually when the sun broke through it started to get hot. I passed a good amount of people on the bike and also got passed by some of the male racers that started in the waves after me. I was able to finish the bike in 3:01 – my goal was 3:00 or less, so I just about hit my mark there.

Transition from bike to run was much easier than I had expected it to be. I felt pretty good getting started on the run. The run course was also 2 loops around the Boulder Reservoir. Only downside is that it was completely exposed with no shade. Luckily most of the course was on a dirt/crushed stone path, so it wasn’t as bad as running on asphalt. There were some hills on the course to add to the challenge. I knew the run would be the hardest part for me, so I set out with the goal of running 5 minutes and walking 1 minute. I was able to do this for the first 5 miles, then the heat started to really wear me out and then it became more of running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes. Surprisingly I was passing quite a few people on the 2nd loop of the run. The course was awesomely staffed with a water/aid station at every mile along the course with Gatorade, water, power bar gel, food – oranges, pretzels, flat Coke, cups of ice and sponges soaked in ice water. I must say that my saving grace in the heat was the cups of ice cubes. I would eat a few, dump a few down the front and back of my shirt and hold the cup while I was running to take an ice cube here and there to munch on. I was so happy to see my dad waiting at the end of the dirt path leading towards the finish line – he was the “lookout” who called down to my mom, sister and husband at the finish to let them know I was heading in. I finished the run in 2:33. I was hoping to finish in 2:20 but was okay with 2:33 considering the heat.


My final official time was 6:23:40. I was super excited to finish my first 70.3 and couldn’t have done it without the expert guidance of my coach Carrie Slavinski from BPC, my husband who let me use our weekend time to train, my parents, my sisters Jackie and Jaime, all my JSTC friends who wished me the best and the rest of my friends, family and co-workers who were supporting me all along the way!



I would definitely recommend this race to anyone who is looking to do a destination 70.3 – the course was beautiful – the volunteers and the support out there was amazing! If you can take a little time to go out and acclimate ahead of time, you’ll be golden!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jersey Shore Time Trial - 30K - 5/23/10

This 30K time trial was one that I did last year - it went down and back along the main road on Island Beach State Park. This year, it was not pouring rain like it did last year and I was feeling pretty strong on the bike. Finished the 30K in 53 minutes . . . 24 minutes faster than last year!! It was definitely a good day! :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jersey Short Multisport's Women's Kick-Off Triathlon 5/15/10

This was the first triathlon of the season for me and the first ever for my sister Jackie! We signed up way back in December and it was a great first race! We swam in the Barnegat Bay and the water felt pretty chilly even with a wetsuit but as soon as the race started, your body warmed up. I had a decent swim, although since it was the first "race swim" I was a little panicked initially - and couldn't get into the bilateral breathing pattern I'd been used to doing in all of my pool swims and had to go back to just breathing on the right side every 2 strokes. Finished the swim in 8:20 for a .33 mile swim. T1 was 1:48 which was decent considering I had to get the wetsuit off. Felt great on the bike finishing 12 miles in 31:38 for an average of 19mph. T2 off the bike was 48 seconds! The run wasn't my strong suit that day and finished the 3.1 miles in 28:20 for an average of 9:18 min/mile. I ended up finishing the race 11th overall and 4th in the 30-34 age group.

Not bad for the first race of the season!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

2010 Broad Street Run

This year, I ran the Broad Street Run with my dad and sister Jaime. It was a hot day for a race and it was one week following the 1/2 Marathon in Nashville but I had signed up for it anyway hoping for a nice day for a stroll down Broad Street. Unfortunately it ended up being the hottest day of the year up to that point - it was 90 degrees as soon as the sun came out. I had ridden my bike from our apartment on North Broad Street down to the stadium - a little over 5 miles and met Jam and Dad in the parking lot. Put my bike in the trunk of my dad's car and we took the subway to the race start. We got there so early, but by the time I got through the porta-john line and the line to put our bag into the bag check it was time to go. Somehow the way they did the wave start with 5 minutes between groups of runners so by the time we started another 1/2 hour had gone by and the heat just kept building. From the start the race was kinda tough for me - my legs just didn't want to move. I kept up with Jam and Dad for the first 5.5 miles then had to back off and do some walking through the water stops to stay hydrated. I saw a lot of runners down on the sides of the road getting medical attention because they weren't smart. When I saw that, I decided that I did not want to end up sick and just took my time finishing safely. I finished in 1:44, a 10:25 min/mile pace which was slower that I had anticipated but given the conditions and the tired legs, I was okay with it. Dad and Jam did awesome and finished around 1:38!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Country Music 1/2 Marathon - Nashville, TN

This was a great race!!! I ended up going with a friend of a friend, Christie. We were roomates for the trip. I flew to Nashville around 2pm on Friday, the day before the race and just made it to the Race Expo in time to pick up my packet and my number!! We stayed at the Maxwell House Hotel outside of downtown. They really catered to the runners, having a great pasta dinner the night before the race and a shuttle to take us to the race start bright and early! We woke up at 4:00am to catch and early shuttle to the race start. Had a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast and my pre-race drink on the way to the race. We were at the start pretty early and there was a little rain shower beforehand. The race ended up starting early because they were calling for some major thunderstorms to hit later in the morning that day. We got the race started without incident. The course was much hillier than I had expected!! Up and Down, Up and Down, Up and Up and Down . . . neverending! I wasn't really prepared for the hills but tried to battle through the best I could. Finished the race in 2:16 - about a 10:20 min/mile pace.

After the race was the true disaster! We waited forever for our shuttle bus which as it turned out many other people were waiting for too! It was raining and windy with nasty thunderstorms rolling through. Christie and I got tired of standing around, especially after just finishing the race, so us and about 6 or 7 other people who were all staying at our hotel decided to start walking back to the hotel, 3.5 miles away! It was pouring, thunder and lightening and one of the wettest walks home ever! There was flooding on the sidewalks and roadways that we were on trying to get back to the hotel. We got home . .. but I was definitely soaked more than I have possibly ever been.
We got back to the hotel and I stuffed my sneakers with newspaper to help them dry out and then we took a nap to recover!!
On Sunday, the next day we spent time touring Nashville, the outlets and even took a trip out of town to check out a local winery. It wasn't the best wine, but at least we had a picnic amongst some beautiful scenery!
The flight home was relatively uneventful. I'd definitely recommend this race again - it was alot of fun!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Path to Homeownership

Bryant and I are in the process of purchasing our first home together. So far we've been lucky in the process in finding the perfect place for both of us - older home, historic, needs some work (what Bryant loves to do) and is in a great neighborhood here in Philadelphia. We are set to close on May 14th! I'm hoping all goes well from here on out!!

Time to start getting excited!

I'm starting to get pretty psyched for this year's race schedule!!!

Just like last year, I have quite a few races on tap, some new ones and some from last year.

Here we go!!!

Saturday, April 24th - Country Music 1/2 Marathon - Nashville, TN

Sunday, May 2 2010 - Broad S
treet Run (10 miles) - Philadelphia, PA

This is a Philadelphia Classic that I have run
a few times before. This time, I'll be running with my sister Jaime for the full race, Jackie for half the race and meeting my dad at the finish (he always finishes ahead of

Saturday May 8th 2010 - Open Water Swim Clinic

I participated in a few
of these last year and they were super helpful in acclimating to swimming in open water and practicing some techniques. This time, I'll be meeting my sister Jackie there for her first ever open water swim!!

Saturday May 15th - Jersey Short Kickoff Sprint Triathlon - Bayville (Toms River, NJ) - Women's Race

This will be my first race of the season, and Jackie's first triathlon ever! It's going to be a ton of fun on a great course and it's always fun to participate in an all ladies' event.

June 20, 2010 - LavaMan Sprint Triathlon

This is another great race put on by Jersey Short Multisport, a sprint distance race that will be a first-time race for me. Can't wait!

Sunday July 25, 2010 - New Jersey State Triathlon - Mercer County State Park

I did this race last year and had a great time and it was my second Olympic Distance race. I was happy to be allowed to wear my wetsuit last year and hopefully it will be the same this year!

And . . . . now for the grand finale race of the Triathlon Season!!

Sunday August 8, 2010 - Ironman 70.3 Boulder - Boulder, CO

This is the big race for me this year . . . I'm nervous at this point, but feeling pretty confident that I can do it. I have a great support system b
ehind me with my family, friends, coach and tri club all there to support me. I couldn't do it without them!!

Here's a shout out to Brielle Performance Center and my Coach, Carrie Slavinski

I am still waiting to see if I get into the NYC Marathon via the lottery tomorrow, on April 7th, so I will post as soon as I know. If I don't get in with the lottery I will probably do the Marine Corps Marathon again :)